Monday, July 28, 2008

New Converted SS & Cranky Monkey Race

I converted my new Superfly last month to a 1x9 now this past weekend took it one step further and converted it to a 1x1 Single Speed...Rides pretty nicely if I do say so...Got it done Saturday night, tested it in the alley, and left early morning to Wakefield for the first in a series at the Cranky Monkey...pre-rode the day before on the Rig SS and it was a fun fast course...but Sunday during the race, just didn't even feel like being there...had no fun...legs felt fine, was a bit to hot for my liking, but all in all just didn't feel like RACING...just wanted to ride for the joy of it and that wasn't after a pretty good first lap of 31 minutes for 6 miles I pulled the Plug and DNF'd myself...

As you can see by the sidebar I have had a LOT of races this year so far and I'm just feeling a little burned out with "competition"....going to do some fun rides, like the Tuesday night ride at Patapsco, and go up to Iron Hill this Wednesday, but no racing until Iron Hill..JUST FUN...need to capture the joy of it all I'll see some of ya on the trails and the rest at Iron Hill...callme if ya just want to go ride and PLAY...(still got the kid thing going though)!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're gonna ride for fun and want to play, check out the Fairhillbillie's ride at middlerun on thursday night. Parking is at the Tri-State bird sanctuary lot @ 545pm. We have a couple of SS's that ride since their full-susp.'s are busted to hell. Shoot me an e-mail from Beer Gut Biker if interested. If I'm back from the beach in time, I might shoot up to Iron Hill wednesday myself, what time are ya gonna be there?